In today's world, economic, technological and political developments increase the mutual dependency of all the units forming the societies. As well as to individuals, institutions have important responsibilities for the development and sustainability of welfare levels. Exactly at this point, everything actually starts with the ability to touch... To life, to people, to children, to animals, to the environment, and to the living creatures as a whole... With the social responsibility consciousness engraved in our corporate culture, we are excited about our ongoing and future-planned projects.

As Univera, we are always open to new knowledge; for this reason, we support the importance we give to education with our social responsibility project. We think that our country's prosperity and walking on the road ahead of the future with unfaltering steps passes through the education of our youth. For this reason, we carried out our social responsibility project named "Our Future is Our Youth", which is focused on education in 2017, together with the Turkish Education Association (TED).

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